Monday, November 24, 2014


 1. Go to all 50 states (current count: 20 of 50)
 2. Skydive
 3. Attend World Fair
 4. Go to Ireland
 5. Pants someone :)

 6. Survive high school (graduated Jun. 26, 2015)
 7. Polar plunge
 8. Visit Greece
 9. Visit Rome

10. Cairo
✓ 11. Ride a camel (Oct. 5, 2014)
 12. Stay awake for 48 full hours
 13. Hot air balloon
 14. See Northern Lights
 15. See Eiffel Tower at night
 16. Watch sunrise
 17. Sleep in a hammock
 18. Swim with dolphins
✓ 19. Explore a castle (Nov. 24, 2010)
 20. Lucid dream
✓ 21. Real camping (Aug. 13, 13)
 22. Ride in a helicopter
 23. Sail in an ocean for a week
✓ 24. Time capsule (buried Mar. 3, 2012)
 25. Explore NYC
✓ 26. Meet a famous person (met the AJR brothers Oct. 29, 2014)
 27. Ride a gondola through Venice
 28. Great Barrier Reef
 29. Spain
 30. Easter Island
 31. Know at least 50 sign language signs
 32. Cook a hot dog over the fire (Jun. 29, 2015)
 33. Do a 5k in 30 mins or less
 34. Learn to say "hello" in 20 languages
 35. Climb to the top of a tree
 36. Grand Canyon
 37. Mayan ruins
 38. Master an instrument
 39. Perform on the metro
 40. Voice lessons
 41. Be totally ambidextrous
 42. Be totally bilingual (or trilingual etc)
 43. Learn to surf
 44. Learn to juggle
 45. Take a martial arts class
 46. Visit all 7 continents (current count: 2 of 7)
 47. Walk on the Great Wall of China
 48. Go parachuting
 49. Look in the mouth of a volcano
 50. Have something named after me
 51. Celebrate New Years in NYC
 52. Donate $1,000 to a charity
 53. Be in a movie
 54. Attend Oktoberfest in Germany
 55. Have my portrait painted
✓56. Go skinny dipping
 57. Send a message in a bottle
 58. Plant a tree
 59. Write and send a fan letter (hand delivered to my favorite band May 19, 2015)
 60. Learn to dance
 61. Shower in a waterfall
 62. Spend a night in a haunted house
 63. Sleep under the stars
✓ 64. Learn to ski (Mar. 16, 2014)
 65. Hold a live tarantula
 66. Bungee jump
 67. Pay for the person behind me in a line
 68. Watch a meteor shower 
 69. Milk a cow
 70. Bench press my own weight
 71. Kiss in the rain
 72. Ride a horse
 73. Have my pic in the newspaper
 74. Take a bike tour across a state
 75. Climb Mt. Everest 
 76. Stand at the South Pole
 77. Go to a renaissance fair
✓ 78. Learn to Pogo stick (Jun. 2014)
 79. Snorkel in a shipwreck
 80. Go cliff diving
 81. White water rafting
 82. Zipline
 83. Hike in a rainforest
 84. Go rock climbing
 85. Break a world record
 86. Go zorbing (I think Memorial Day 2013)
 87. Ride the London Eye
 88. See a platypus
 89. Be vegetarian for at least a month
 90. Ride an elephant
 91. Swim with manatees
✓ 92. Niagara Falls (Jul. 30, 2012)
 93. Stone Henge
 94. Vatican City
 95. Notre Dame
 96. Visit the 4 corners monument in AZ
✓ 97. Mt. Rushmore (Sept. 28, 2017)
 98. See a Broadway show
 99. Go kayaking
✓ 100. Ice/Figure skate (Jan. 29, 2012)
 101. Ski in the Alps
 102. Go to a trampoline park
 103. Learn to ollie on a skateboard

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